When the Classy Lassies get together, it doesn’t take long before we reminisce about growing up in Ireland. Yes, we’re both born and bred Dubliners!
In between planning our clients’ trips—and always over a cup of tea—we swap memories of home on the Isle of Eire!
Memories like: Dervila’s family heading down to Connemara for a family vacation, a basket of sandwiches packed in the boot. After a few hours spent winding our way towards Galway, mam and dad would pull over and break out the picnic supplies right there on the side of the road—including a campfire kettle to make tea (known as the “volcano”). Yes, us Irish can’t go anywhere without our tea!
Or like: Emer and her siblings packed tight as sardines in the back of the car. But we would never complain—because we knew we were going to be rewarded with a lick of 99 ice cream (an Irish favorite)! We’d drive for what felt like hours to get to the beach, just for this ice cream. Our parents would get their own cone, and the kids had to share. We’d slowly roll our way back to Dublin, with sticky fingers and happy tummies!
For us, sharing these memories of our childhood in Ireland reminds us of why we started our travel business.
You see, at Celtic Hearts Travel, we design dream vacations the European way.
This means slowing down, enjoying the journey, and savoring what you’re experiencing in the moment—not thinking about what you’re going to be doing two hours from now!
Too often, tour companies have you on the go-go-go, hopping on and off tour buses, racing to get to the next bucket-list sight before the doors close.
Sure, you might see more sights that way … but will you really be able to take them in?
We don’t think so. This is why we design custom journeys for curious travelers who crave quality over quantity. Who want the insider take on what’s at the heart of the destination.
Travelers who want a vacation that’s actually relaxing.
If that’s you, then welcome! We’re so glad you’ve found us!!
And we can’t wait to design an amazing experience that’s perfectly tailored to your tastes, that takes you beyond the tourist traps, and that gets you exploring all the wonders of The World with ease.
While we’re busier these days in our adopted home of Atlanta, we still make time to return to Ireland every year.
On our trips back, we visit with our families, savor an afternoon cup of tea, and on occasion, take the long, winding drive to the coast just for a 99!
We love every simple, unhurried minute of it.
It’s the Classy Lassy way—and we’d love to show you how to live it on your next vacation,
Dervila Stivers & Emer Coughlin,
Celtic Hearts Travel

Hometown: Dublin, Ireland (the north side)
Favorite Destination: Majorca, Spain
On my bucket list: Tahiti, Alaska, Italy, Iceland, Croatia

Hometown: Dublin, Ireland (the south side)
Favorite Destination: New Zealand
On my bucket list: Italy, Hawaii, Iceland, Fiji, France

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Emer & Dervila,
Celtic Hearts Travel

“We were so impressed with the wonderful planning you did for this trip! We had no problems at all! We did the Guinness tour, Trinity college, book of Kells and did the hop on hop off bus. Some of the amazing sights we experienced were: Blarney Castle – Killarney.The Ring of Kerry was beautiful! Dingle Peninsula – wow! Cliffs of Moher. Another wow – most beautiful spot ever. We could see so much of this beautiful country in a short amount of time while never feeling rushed. Thank you for taking such great care of us!” Barb B. on her trip to Ireland